What foods are right to eat for a diabetic?

by Stephine McDowell

QUESTION: Eating everything what not to eat?

ANSWER: Hi Stephine,

Now I’m going to give you some basic rules on how to make your own diet with delicious and healthy foods.

1. First, and may be the most important thing, is to limit and even exclude the foods, which are containing a lot of sugar (simple).

In this way, you will achieve to better control of your diabetes and everything is going to be perfect. Foods rich in sugar include chocolate, candy and other stuff. I’m sure that you like them, as everybody else, but you must quit or extremely limit their intake for yourself.

2. The other thing, which is important for your diet is start eating more fruits and vegetables than usual. They do not contain sugar and will provide your body the vitamins it needs.

Besides this, if you have some digestive problems, you will get them solved if you consume fruits and vegetables.

3. Other thing, which has to be mentioned, is to avoid the consumption of meals, which have high cholesterol load and rich in salt.

In this way, you will improve your lipid metabolism, which is very important, because patients with problems with the glucose metabolism are experiencing problems with the lipid metabolism too.

4. Besides the things mentioned above, the usage of alcohol is not something
appropriate for patients with diabetes. You have to know that alcohol leads to hypoglycemia, which is very dangerous condition and the one of the major goal of diabetic treatment and diet is to avoid it.

5. Anyways, in purpose to ensure your body constant intake of nutrients, you can make yourself 5-6 small meals a day. These meal have to be composed according the rules mentioned above.

6. Regarding the meat, you have to try avoiding pork and beef, because they are really rich in fats. If you love to eat meat, you can concentrate on eating fish and chicken meat, which contain less cholesterol and fats and rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

7. Another important thing for your lifestyle is to quit smoking if you do smoke, and to start doing exercise, because this will help your body to metabolize the glucose easier.

Hope it helped!


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