Ideal Diabetic Diet & Natural Remedies!

by Dr.U.K.Jani

QUESTION: Hello Dr.,

I am the regular reader of this website, gives excellent help. I am 57 years old having F.B.S. 165.9 mg/dL,Urine glucose 0.1, urine acetone nil while P.P.B.S. 207.7, Urine glucose 1.0 and acetone nil. HbA1C is 7.80 and Mean Blood Glucose is 200.38 mg/dL.

Triglyceride-190.90 mg/dL, VLDL-38.18 mg/dL, HDL-Cholesterol 36.70 mg/dL.I am taking Metformin hydrochloride-SR-500mg, Repace H (Hydrochlorothiazide-12.5mg+ Losartan 50 mg) and Atorvastatin-5 mg with Aspirin-50mg- 1 tablet of all medicines daily along with multivitamin B supplements.

I am strictly pure vegetarian and sometimes consumes sweet and oil. Also I have strong family history of hypertension and diabetes. Kindly suggest me the ideal diet and natural remedies.

Thanks and regards,


ANSWER: Hi Dr.Jani,

What I see from your blood sugar reading, your F.B.S and P.P.B.S. are really high enough to put stress into your kidneys, turning them unable to cleanse the blood normally (as your sugar urine is 0,1).

Being vegetarian is an excellent start of beating diabetes naturally. However, you should keep an eye on the sugar content and calories in various fruits and vegetables you eat.

Next, as you stay in India, you have many Indian herbs that could act as natural remedies for controlling your diabetes.

To my knowledge, bitter melon, cinnamon (I know that you prepare delicious dishes with cinnamon; but keep an eye to the grease content of those dishes;); gymnema sylvestre, garlic, fenugreek are good and effective remedies.

As it is easy to find them at your country-place; you can always prepare dishes or tea with them. Or, you can have the supplement at any local store (Himalaya is the international brand I know). However, you may have greater knowledge than me.

Next, the most important thing is the combination of diet, natural remedies with physical activity. Eating and/or taking herbs will not be enough to
help you lowering blood sugar.

Physical activity plays also a crucial role in burning the calories provided from sugar, and increasing your metabolism rate leading to better diabetes management.

Being physically active will also help your blood circulation, decreasing your high blood pressure. You can walk for at least 30 to 60 minutes daily; or to do some heavy aerobic exercises once or twice a week. You should consult your doctor to give you your ideal goal as you also have hypertension.

Now, I cannot prepare a daily diabetic menu plan specifically for you as I do not have your medical records.

It is true that you are providing some of your health data; but, they are not enough for me to prepare your specific daily menu (including exercises).

Talk to your doctor or nutritionist to calculate the calories you need for a day according to your age, type of work you do or other medical conditions you might have other than hypertension.

You should always monitor blood sugar especially for low levels in order to prevent severe complications.

Hope it helped!

Follow up,

Dear Dr Alba

Thank you very much for the satisfactory help.

I assure you to follow your valuable advice.

I got repeated my PPBS level after one month which reduced to 178 & urine sugar was 0.1.

I will start walking and exercise as suggested to avoid complications.

Warm regards,

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