Caring For Diabetic Foot Ulcers

While many people suffer from diabetes, not everyone develops foot ulcers. Have you wondered why?

First, it's essential to understand what occurs in the body during diabetes.

diabetic foot ulcer

What causes diabetic foot ulcers?

Diabetic foot ulcers are caused by a combination of factors primarily related to the complications of diabetes. High blood sugar levels over time can lead to nerve damage, a condition known as diabetic neuropathy.

This damage impairs sensation in the feet, making it difficult to feel pain, pressure, or injuries. As a result, minor cuts, blisters, or sores can go unnoticed and untreated, leading to the development of ulcers.

Poor blood circulation, another common complication of diabetes, significantly contributes to the formation of foot ulcers. Diabetes can cause blood vessels to narrow and harden, reducing blood flow to the extremities.

Insufficient blood supply means that wounds heal more slowly and are more prone to infection. This impaired healing process can cause even small injuries to become severe ulcers.

Additionally, persistent high blood sugar levels can weaken the immune system, making the body less effective at fighting infections. When a foot ulcer becomes infected, it can exacerbate the problem, leading to more significant tissue damage and complications.

Other contributing factors include wearing inappropriate footwear, which can cause pressure points and friction, and poor foot hygiene.

What are the symptoms of a diabetic foot ulcer?


Diabetic foot ulcers present several distinct symptoms that individuals should be aware of for early detection and treatment.

The most common symptoms include:

1. Open Sores or Wounds: visible ulcers or open wounds on the foot, often located on the bottom, toes, or sides of the feet.

2. Swelling and Redness: The affected area may become swollen, red, and warm to the touch, indicating inflammation or infection.

3. Drainage: Pus, blood, or other fluids may drain from the ulcer, sometimes soaking through socks or shoes. This drainage can also emit an unpleasant odor.

4. Pain and Tenderness: Although nerve damage might reduce the sensation of pain, some individuals may still experience discomfort, tenderness, or a burning sensation around the ulcer.

5. Discoloration: The skin around the ulcer can appear darker than the surrounding area, sometimes turning black (a condition called necrosis) if the tissue starts to die due to a lack of blood flow.

6. Callused Skin: Ulcers often form beneath areas of callused or thickened skin, which may crack and develop into open sores.

7. Fever and Chills: Signs of systemic infection, such as fever and chills, indicate that the infection may have spread and require immediate medical attention.

How are diabetic foot ulcers treated?

Treating diabetic foot ulcers involves a comprehensive approach to promote healing, prevent infection, and manage underlying diabetes.

Wound Care:

Cleaning: The ulcer should be cleaned regularly with saline or an appropriate wound cleanser to remove dead tissue and prevent infection.
Dressing: Proper wound dressings are essential to keep the ulcer moist, protect it from contaminants, and promote healing. Dressings should be changed regularly according to medical advice.

Infection Control:

Antibiotics: If an infection is present or likely, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat or prevent it. These can be administered orally or intravenously, depending on the severity of the infection.
Debridement: This involves removing dead or infected tissue from the ulcer to reduce the risk of infection and promote healing.

Pressure Relief: Reducing pressure on the ulcer is crucial. This can be achieved with specialized footwear, orthotics, or devices such as total contact casts or removable braces that redistribute weight away from the ulcer.

Diabetes Management: Keeping blood sugar levels within the target range is vital for healing. This may involve adjusting medications, diet, and exercise routines in consultation with a healthcare provider.

Surgical Intervention: In severe cases, surgical procedures might be necessary to remove infected tissue, correct deformities, or improve blood flow. This can include procedures like wound excision, skin grafts, or revascularization surgery.

Advanced Therapies:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): This therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room, which can enhance wound healing by improving oxygen supply to the tissues.
Growth Factors and Skin Substitutes: These advanced treatments can stimulate tissue repair and are sometimes used for ulcers that do not respond to conventional treatments.

Patient Education:

Self-Care: Educating patients about proper foot care, the importance of regular foot inspections, and recognizing early signs of ulcers or infections is essential for prevention and effective management.

How effective are advanced treatments like hyperbaric oxygen therapy or skin grafts?

Advanced treatments for diabetic foot ulcers, such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and skin grafts, have shown varying degrees of effectiveness, often depending on the severity of the ulcer and the overall health of the patient.

Effectiveness of HBOT: 

Enhanced Healing: HBOT involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized environment, which increases oxygen concentration in the blood. This can promote healing by enhancing tissue oxygenation, reducing inflammation, and boosting the immune response. 

Clinical Evidence: Studies have shown that HBOT can be effective in reducing the size and severity of ulcers, improving healing rates, and reducing the need for amputations. However, its effectiveness may vary, and it is often considered when standard treatments fail. 

Guidelines: The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) and other organizations have recognized HBOT as a beneficial adjunctive treatment for chronic non-healing diabetic foot ulcers.

Effectiveness of Skin Grafts 

Wound Coverage: Skin grafts involve transplanting skin from one area of the body to the ulcer site. This can provide immediate wound coverage, promote healing, and reduce infection risk.

Types of Grafts: Different types of grafts (e.g., autografts, allografts, and bioengineered skin substitutes) have varying success rates. Autografts, where the patient's own skin is used, tend to have the highest success due to compatibility.

Healing Rates: Clinical studies have shown that skin grafts can significantly improve healing rates and outcomes for diabetic foot ulcers, particularly for larger or more complex wounds that do not respond to conventional treatments.

Considerations for Both Treatments

Patient Selection: The effectiveness of HBOT and skin grafts can depend on patient-specific factors, such as the extent of peripheral artery disease, infection status, overall blood sugar control, and compliance with post-treatment care.

Cost and Accessibility: These advanced treatments can be costly and may not be readily available in all healthcare settings. Insurance coverage can also vary, affecting accessibility for some patients.

Adjunctive Use: Both HBOT and skin grafts are often used in conjunction with standard wound care practices, such as debridement, infection control, and offloading. Their success is typically greater when integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan.

How can diabetic foot ulcers be prevented?

Preventing diabetic foot ulcers requires a proactive and comprehensive approach to foot care, diabetes management, and lifestyle adjustments.

Daily Foot Care

Regular Inspections: Examine your feet daily for cuts, blisters, redness, swelling, or any changes in skin color or texture. Use a mirror to check the soles of your feet or ask for help if needed.

Hygiene: Wash your feet daily with lukewarm water and mild soap. Dry thoroughly, especially between the toes, to prevent fungal infections.

Moisturize: Apply a moisturizer to keep the skin soft and prevent cracking, but avoid the areas between the toes to reduce the risk of fungal infections.

Proper Footwear

Appropriate Shoes: Wear well-fitted, comfortable shoes that provide ample support and cushioning. Avoid tight, narrow, or high-heeled shoes that can cause pressure points and blisters.

Inspect Shoes: Check the inside of your shoes for foreign objects, rough seams, or worn-out areas that could cause injury.

Socks: Choose seamless, moisture-wicking socks to reduce friction and keep feet dry.

Blood Sugar Management

Monitor Glucose Levels: Keep blood sugar levels within the target range through regular monitoring, medications, diet, and exercise.

Healthy Diet: Follow a balanced diet that supports blood sugar control and overall health. Consult a dietitian if needed.

Regular Exercise: Engage in physical activity to improve circulation, maintain a healthy weight, and enhance overall health.

Regular Medical Care

Routine Check-Ups: Visit your healthcare provider regularly for comprehensive foot exams and diabetes management. Early detection of potential issues is key to prevention.

Podiatrist Visits: Schedule regular visits to a podiatrist for specialized foot care, including nail trimming, callus removal, and treatment of any foot abnormalities.

Risk Management

Quit Smoking: Smoking impairs circulation, which can exacerbate foot problems. Seek support to quit smoking if necessary.

Manage Other Health Conditions: Keep other health issues, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, under control to reduce complications.

Education and Awareness

Patient Education: Learn about the risks and signs of diabetic foot ulcers. Awareness and knowledge empower you to take proactive steps in foot care.

Prompt Action: If you notice any signs of a foot problem, seek medical advice immediately to prevent minor issues from developing into serious ulcers.

What are the risks of untreated diabetic foot ulcers?

Untreated diabetic foot ulcers pose significant risks that can lead to severe complications and impact overall health, including:

Infection: Ulcers provide a portal for bacteria to enter the body, leading to infections that can spread rapidly if not treated promptly. This can result in cellulitis (skin infection), osteomyelitis (bone infection), or sepsis (blood infection), which are serious and potentially life-threatening.

Gangrene: Severe infections can cause tissue death (gangrene), requiring surgical removal (amputation) to prevent further spread. Diabetes-related foot ulcers are a leading cause of non-traumatic lower limb amputations worldwide.

Delayed Healing: Poor circulation and compromised immune function in individuals with diabetes can slow down the healing process. Chronic wounds may persist, increasing the risk of complications and necessitating more aggressive treatments.

Foot Deformities: Persistent pressure from untreated ulcers can lead to structural changes in the foot, such as deformities or Charcot foot (a condition where the bones weaken and fracture).

Reduced Quality of Life: Pain, mobility limitations, and the psychological impact of chronic wounds can significantly affect daily activities, independence, and overall well-being.

Hospitalization and Healthcare Costs: Serious infections and complications often require hospitalization, intensive medical interventions, and prolonged treatments, resulting in higher healthcare expenses and increased burden on patients and healthcare systems.

Increased Mortality: Studies have shown that individuals with diabetic foot ulcers have an increased risk of mortality compared to those without ulcers, primarily due to complications like infections and cardiovascular events.

What lifestyle changes can help in managing diabetic foot ulcers?

Managing diabetic foot ulcers involves incorporating lifestyle changes that promote overall health, improve circulation, and support wound healing.

Following are key lifestyle modifications:

  • Foot Care Routine, including daily inspections, proper cleaning, and moisturizing. 
  • Caring about your footcare, including comfortable shoes and avoiding barefoot walking
  • Blood Sugar control, including regular monitoring and taking prescribed medications regularly
  • Follow a healthy diet by eating balanced meals and limiting sugar and processed foods.
  • Proper physical activity through regular exercise, caring about your foot while exercising smoking cessation
  • Proper stress management through relaxation techniques
  • Regular medical check-ups

How do I care for a diabetic foot ulcer at home?

Caring for a diabetic foot ulcer at home involves several important steps to promote healing and prevent complications.

I'll try to provide a guide on how to care for a diabetic foot ulcer at home:

Cleanliness and hygiene:

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after caring for the ulcer.
Gently wash the ulcer with mild soap and lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water or harsh cleansers.
Rinse the wound thoroughly to remove any soap residue.

Wound Dressing:

According to your caring doctor's advice, apply the appropriate dressing. This may include sterile gauze, non-stick dressings, hydrogels, or other specialized wound dressings.

Depending on how much drainage is coming from the ulcer, your healthcare provider may advise changing the dressing every day or as often as necessary.


Apply a moisturizer to the surrounding skin to keep it hydrated and prevent dryness. Avoid applying moisturizer directly to the ulcer itself.

Offloading Pressure:

Keep weight off the affected foot as much as possible to reduce pressure on the ulcer. Use crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair if needed to avoid putting weight on the foot.

Pain Management:

If you experience pain, take the painkillers that your doctor has prescribed. Avoid using over-the-counter medications without consulting them first.


Inspect the ulcer daily for any signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, warmth, or drainage with a foul odor.
Note any changes in the size or appearance of the ulcer and report them to your healthcare provider immediately.

Diabetes Management:

Keep your blood sugar levels within the target range, as advised by your healthcare provider. Proper diabetes management is essential for wound healing.

Foot Care:

Practice good foot hygiene by keeping your feet clean and dry. Avoid soaking your feet, as this can soften the skin and increase the risk of infection.
Wear comfortable, well-fitted shoes and socks to protect your feet. Avoid walking barefoot.

Nutrition and Hydration:

Maintain a healthy diet rich in nutrients to support healing. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.


Attend scheduled appointments with your healthcare provider for wound assessment, treatment adjustments, and overall diabetes management.

It's essential to follow your doctor's instructions carefully and seek medical attention if you notice any signs of infection or if the ulcer does not improve. Prompt and proper care at home can significantly contribute to the healing of diabetic foot ulcers and reduce the risk of complications.

Can diabetic foot ulcers be completely cured?

Diabetic foot ulcers can be effectively treated and healed in many cases, but whether they can be completely cured depends on several factors:

Severity: The size, depth, and duration of the ulcer play a significant role in its ability to heal completely. Smaller and less severe ulcers have a higher likelihood of complete healing.

Underlying Conditions: The presence of underlying conditions such as peripheral artery disease (PAD), which affects blood flow to the feet, or poorly controlled diabetes can complicate healing and affect the chances of complete cure.

Comprehensive Treatment: Successful treatment often involves a multidisciplinary approach, including wound care, infection management, offloading pressure from the ulcer, and addressing underlying health issues like diabetes control and circulation problems.

Patient Adherence: Consistent adherence to treatment plans, including regular wound care, proper footwear, and lifestyle modifications, is crucial for optimal healing outcomes.

Complications: If complications like infections, gangrene, or deep tissue involvement develop, more aggressive interventions such as surgery or advanced wound therapies may be necessary, potentially affecting the possibility of complete cure.

While some diabetic foot ulcers may heal completely with appropriate treatment and care, others may require ongoing management to prevent recurrence and complications. 

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