Diabetes Vitamins & Minerals Supplementation

Diabetes Vitamins

How far vitamins and minerals help controlling blood sugar?
What are the best supplements to beat diabetes?

The only aim of this website is to help you controlling blood sugar naturally. Lifestyle & dietary changes along with the use of certain herbs, vitamins and minerals can help you beat diabetes and also, prevent or reduce the intensity of related complications.

The very first thing to do is to LEARN. Knowledge is very good not only for diabetics but for any other problems in life.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E appeared to have neuroprotective effects on ischemic damage (narrowing of blood vessels and the related damages) in diabetic central neuronal cells, caused by diabetic oxidative stress. This was the conclusion of a recent study from a turkish team. (1)

The emphasis is put on the vitamins deficiencies diabetics have. Their importance raises particularly during pregnancy. So, in a study carried out in Tamil Nadu, researches reiterate the importance of micronutrients during pregnancy. According to this study, chronic maternal micronutrient deficiency may alter placentarl 11 beta HSD-2 expression and predispose the offspring to IR and hypertension in later life. (2)

Vitamin B (12)

According to recent studies, diabetics experience vitamin B (12) deficiency too, especially those taking metformin. What is more, researchers advise a daily multivitamin intake, which may reduce this deficiency. (3)

On the other hand, researchers from India have concluded that vitamin B (12) deficiency during pregnancy is associated with increased adiposity (high levels of fat in your body) and insulin resistance and gestational diabetes onset. (4)

Vitamin B (6)

Since diabetics may suffer vitamins and minerals deficiencies due to high blood sugar levels and hypoglycemiant drugs, the need for multivitamin supplementation is raised.

In addition, diabetics have higher risks for heart disease. To lower the risk of arteries narrowing, vitamin B (6) has been shown very effective, according to one study carried out by american researchers at University of Southern California. (5)

It is extremely important to protect diabetics from severe complications. That's why vitamins supplementation are highly encouraged.

Vitamin K

We are used to hear vitamin K when somebody is at risk for any trombosis or during hemorrhage. Recent studies has shownt that vitamin K may improve insulin sensitivity. What is more, in vivo and in vitro studies has shown that vitamin K reduced lipopolysaccharide- induced inflammation.

Booth and her co-workers (ther researchers of this plausible findings), stated that recently, it was reported that biochemical and dietary measures of vitamin K status were inversely associated with inflmmatory markers in an observational study.

Althought the above findings, new studies are encouraged to be done for this purpose. (6)

At last, I want to remind you that if you want to start a multivitamin therapy consult your physician. The above benefits can be very useful for you as a diabetic. As your doctor will give more specific instructions taking into consideration your health status.

Remember: Herbs, vitamins and minerals alone cannot help you beating diabetes and its complications onset. You must be determined in following the right lifestyle and dietary changes rigorously and never give up.


  1. Kabay SC, Ozden H, Guven G, Ustuner MC, Degirmenci I, Olgun EG, Unal N. Protective effects of vitamin E on central nervous system in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Clin Invest Med. 2009 Oct 1;32(5):E314-21.
  2. Rosario JF, Gomez MP, Anbu P. Does the maternal micronutrient deficiency (copper or zinc or vitamin E) modulate the expression of placental 11 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-2 per se predispose offspring to insulin resistance and hypertension in later life? Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2008 Oct-Dec;52(4):355-65.
  3. Pflipsen MC, Oh RC, Saguil A, Seehusen DA, Topolski R. The prevalence of vitamin B(12) deficiency in patients with type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2009 Sep-Oct;22(5):528-34.
  4. Krishnaveni GV, Hill JC, Veena SR, Bhat DS, Wills AK, Karat CL, Yajnik CS, Fall CH. Low plasma vitamin B(12) in pregnancy is associated with gestational 'diabesity' and later diabetes. Diabetologia. 2009 Nov;52(11):2350-8. Epub 2009 Aug 26.
  5. Hodis HN, Mack WJ, Dustin L, Mahrer PR, Azen SP, Detrano R, Selhub J, Alaupovic P, Liu CR, Liu CH, Hwang J, Wilcox AG, Selzer RH; BVAIT Research Group. High-dose B vitamin supplementation and progression of subclinical atherosclerosis: a randomized controlled trial. Stroke. 2009 Mar;40(3):730-6. Epub 2008 Dec 31.
  6. M. Yoshida, P.F. Jacques, J.B. Meigs, E. Saltzman, M.K. Shea, C. Gundberg, B. Dawson-Hughes, G. Dallal, S.L. Booth. Effect of Vitamin K Supplementation on Insulin Resistance in Older Men and Women. November 2008, Volume 31, Pages 2092-2096, doi: 10.2337/dc08-1204.

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