Diabetes Erectile Dysfunction

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erectile disfunction

What is erectile dysfunction?

As you may probably know, diabetes is a chronic disease, which affects both women and men. However, the reproductive system of affected diabetic men will suffer.

Statistically, more than 50% of the diabetic men have reported to experience some problems with their erection. In fact, diabetes impairs those body structures, which are important for a successful erection.

Why does  erectile dysfunction happens in diabetics?

For your information, there are four elements that must be present for successful erection. They are: desire to have sexual intercourse, male hormones, healthy blood vessels and nerves.

Diabetes damages two of these elements: blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, you won't be able to achieve a firm erection no matter how strong your desire is.

The damaged blood vessels can not support blood to the penis and it can not get hard enough. On the other hand, the damaged nerves cannot send back to the brain the sexual stimuli received by the penis.

In medical terms, the damaged blood vessels and nerves are part of the Physiological erectile dysfunction. This special type of erectile dysfunction occurs when the above-mentioned damages to nerves and blood vessels are persistent, the patient loses his desire to have sex. In other words, he enters a vicious circle.

What are the symptoms?

Many men fail to achieve an erection. If they achieve erection, they do not feel that their penis is hard enough. This is why they lose their desire to have sex.

The erection problems may occur regularly or occasionally. These symptoms will be present till the proper treatment is applied.

How do you deal with erectile dysfunction? - Treatments and herbal remedies?

The very first step includes certain lifestyle and diet changes. That is also a natural treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Actually, healthy diet changes will lead to two major achievements: better control of your diabetes and better erection. Therefore, it is important to avoid foods high on saturated fats and cholesterol.

Sports are the best way to improve your lifestyle, including jogging or playing your favorite game outside. If you do follow these simple sporting steps that will result in great change in your erectile dysfunction, as movements you do when active will improve the blood flow in your genital area.

Drugs are another treatment for erectile dysfunction, including those used for impotence, such as Levitra, Cialis and, of course, Viagra. With testosterone as the main ingredient, it is also good to ease your diabetic erectile problems.

Surgical intervention is very beneficial for people with impaired blood flow vessels. The aim of the surgery is to reconstruct the damaged blood vessels, so the blood flow is greatly improved.

This is not a permanent resolution for diabetes erectile dysfunction, but the results of this intervention can not be questioned.

The penile implants offer a permanent solution for this problem. They are placed in the penis, so it is always semi-rigid.

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