List of foods that control diabetes

The primary reason you should choose foods that control diabetes is to get a better balance of carbs, proteins, and fats in your daily meal plan.

What are the best foods for controlling blood sugar?

All foods are not equally inert when it comes to diabetes, particularly protein-rich and low-carbohydrate options. Such foods are known as diabetic foods.

Are there superfoods specifically beneficial for diabetes?

Yes, several superfoods are particularly beneficial for managing diabetes due to their nutrient density and positive impact on blood sugar levels.

What are good snacks for people with diabetes?

When using snacks, you should keep in mind that you should choose those that can keep your blood sugar levels stable with fewer fluctuations, especially spikes. 

Can drinking certain beverages help control diabetes?

First, allow me to explain why you need to have some drinks during the day while being diabetic. 

It is important to stay well hydrated, especially if you live in a hot area. Apart from keeping your blood sugar levels within a normal range, other body organs should be allowed to function better. 

Another reason is to supply your body with healthy nutrients for the normal functioning of your body. While having diabetes, you might lack some of these nutrients, so you need to restore their level according to what your body needs. 

Are there any foods diabetics should avoid completely?

There is a lot of discussion here. And all the medical professionals agree: we should consider the benefits and effects on blood sugar levels when considering foods or drinks while being diabetic. 

And this is the way of thinking we encourage our diabetic patients to have. 

List of foods that control diabetes

Actually, the main reason you’re on this page is to get the list of foods you have to put in your daily diabetic meal plan.

In this way, you’ll be safe and get better control of your diabetes.

What I’ve done is bring the diabetes foods all together, divided into two major categories.

The first one I’ve called “pure foods,” and the second category I’ve called "herbs.”.

All two categories do the same job. They help you get better control of your diabetes; that’s why they’re also included in the controlling diabetes group.

Now, below, I’ve listed the first category of such foods. Generally, they are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates.

This is why they are an ideal choice for people with diabetes.

Pure Foods to Control Diabetes

Pure Foods to Control Diabetes

# Food Description
1 Broccoli High in fiber and antioxidants, helps improve insulin sensitivity.
2 Oatmeal Rich in soluble fiber, helps stabilize blood sugar levels.
3 Spinach Low in carbohydrates and calories, high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
4 Green Beans Low glycemic index, high in fiber and essential nutrients.
5 Capsicum (Bell Peppers) Rich in vitamins A and C, low in calories, and has a low glycemic load.
6 Tomato Contains antioxidants like lycopene, helps reduce oxidative stress.
7 Apple High in fiber, particularly pectin, helps slow glucose absorption.
8 Coconut Water Natural source of electrolytes, helps in hydration and may have a moderate effect on glucose.
9 Yogurt Probiotic-rich, helps improve gut health and insulin sensitivity.
10 Leafy Green Vegetables Low in carbohydrates and calories, high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
11 Asparagus Low glycemic index, high in fiber and essential nutrients.
12 Onion Contains compounds that help lower blood sugar levels.
13 Fenugreek Seeds High in soluble fiber, helps improve glucose control and insulin sensitivity.
14 Cauliflower Low in carbohydrates, high in fiber and essential nutrients.
15 Carrots Low glycemic index, high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.

The second group of diabetic foods includes "herbs," as I mentioned before. They do mimic insulin function.

Your blood sugar levels can be better managed with their help. Don’t you think this sounds like magic? It’s not.

The reality of the situation is this:. To continue controlling your diabetes, all you have to do is gather the appropriate "herbs" and steep them in a delicious tea.

# Herb Description
1 Bitter melon Contains compounds that mimic insulin and may help reduce blood sugar levels.
2 Garlic May enhance insulin sensitivity and have blood sugar-lowering effects.
3 Bengal gram High in fiber and protein, may help regulate blood sugar levels.
4 Cinnamon May improve insulin sensitivity and help lower blood sugar levels.
5 Gymnema sylvestre May help reduce sugar absorption in the intestines and increase insulin production.
6 Banaba Contains corosolic acid, which may help lower blood sugar levels.
7 Chromium Helps enhance the action of insulin and regulate blood sugar levels.
8 Artichoke Contains compounds that may help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.
9 Alpha Lipoic Acid Acts as an antioxidant and may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce nerve damage from diabetes.
10 Guggul Extract May help lower blood sugar levels and improve lipid profiles.
11 Licorice Bark Extract May help lower blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation associated with diabetes.
12 Chili and peppers Capsaicin, found in chili peppers, may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.
13 Biotin May help improve glucose tolerance and reduce insulin resistance.

For sure, you may not know some of them and may need some additional information. For this, why don't you go on and do a bit more searching right now by visiting this review page?

Written by Dr.Albana Greca Sejdini, Md, MMedSc       

Medically reviewed by Dr.Ruden Cakoni, MD, Endocrinologist

Last reviewed: 06/10/2024

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