Diabetic Feet Care Practical Tips

When you do follow some simple feet caring tips, you can easily prevent further problems, even amputation.

diabetes feet care

Tip no.1 – take good control of your high blood sugar level

Your high blood sugar is the principal factor for feet problems. Optimizing your blood sugar will help preventing these problems

Tip no.2 – inspect your feet regularly

You should check your feet regularly, even daily because of possible changes or damages would happen. You can help yourself by using a mirror.

Tip no.3 – keep appropriate feet hygiene

Wash your feet every day with soap and clean water. Use warm water, but not hot water. Be sure to clean well in feet folds and in between toes. These are perfect places for germs to thrive.

Tip no.4 – keep your feet dry

Try not to dampen your feet to avoid cracks and sores. Be sure to clean and dry well in feet folds and in between toes. These are perfect places for germs to thrive.

Tip no.5 – watch what you wear

Do not wear hard fitting shoes, because they cause irritation and several injuries to your feet.

Try large-space area foot-shoes instead.

Wear orthopaedic shoes, especially if you find any designed for diabetics. Do avoid synthetic and heal shoes.

Tip no.6 – always wear slippers or socks in house

Never be barefoot. If you wear socks, try the cotton ones. And change them frequently. Don’t keep them for too long.

Tip no.7 – keep your feet and leg exercised

That will help to lower blood sugar level, and to have better circulation flowing. Only 15 minutes walking every day, or even simple movements of your ankles or toes would help.

Tip no.8 on diabetic feet care – be professionally checked

Do check regularly your blood sugar (through A1C test); check your calluses or corns with podiatrist or your doctor.

Do check blood pressure, cholesterol levels regularly too.

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