Understanding good blood sugar levels

googd blood sugar level

What are the good blood sugar levels? How to recognize them? What kind of tests you need to do to get the results? How to read and understand the results?

The reason why you are here is to get all the right information you need to know about the normal sugar levels and how to read the tests ’ results.

I know that getting informed is the best you can do since you’re going to interpret your test results.

What kind of tests you need to do to get the results? How to read and understand the results?

Actually, there are four different types of measuring blood glucose level. The chart below shows us all the 4 different types.

1-Simple blood sugar level test.

In simple blood sugar level test, the good level is considered between 80 mg/dl to 100 mg/dl. This is a test that you can manage to do anytime you want during day.

2- Fasting blood sugar level test.

Also in Fasting blood sugar level test, the good sugar level is between 80 mg/dl to 100 mg/dl. This is a test you can do after fasting for approximately 8 hours. You can do this test only in lab.

So, if you do this test in the morning, you have to have your dinner at 8 p.m.

3- Oral glucose tolerance test.

But in oral-glucose-tolerance-test, the good blood sugar level is 140 mg/dl and below. That is because; this is a test that can be done two hours after eating.

4- A1C blood sugar level test.

Then, in the A1C test, the good levels (expressed in percentage) are 4% to 6%. This means that you have been managing your diabetes very good for the last 3 months. 

good blood glucose level

What affects good blood glucose level?

Various factors can affect blood glucose levels.

Some of them you can take full control, such as if you want to be healthier and beat diabetes.

But some of them you cannot control, only you have to be aware of. 1- Factor that you can take control are:

• Weight

• Diet

• Bad habits

• Sedentary life

2- Factors that you have to be aware of.

• Family History

• Age

• Belonging to a high-risk population

How to keep normal blood glucose levels?

Yes, really if you watch what you eat, if you eliminate your bad habits such as carouse, smoking, check you weight, do not became overweight, and are regularly exercised,and not being sedentary, you easily can keep in good range blood sugar level.

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