Diabetes food restrictions

My cousin is diagnosed with diabetes type 2, and the doctor has put on some food restrictions, but this is very hard for her.

She has been used to eat all the things she loved to and now has to say "no" to them.

Is this something she will get great profit, means her blood sugar will go down? And for how long will she be in these restrictions. Will it last lifelong? Thank you.

By. Dr Alba

Type ii diabetes food restriction


It is true that when type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, the first steps are to lower the high blood sugar levels.

That's why the doctor has put your cousin in type 2 diabetes food restrictions, in order to succeed in lowering sugar levels in blood.

To my knowledge, the time of "restriction" regime depends on how fast the blood glucose level is going down and how well your cousin is controlling blood sugar.

All the best.

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