Type 1 Diabetes and Alcohol Drinking

by James

QUESTION: I have a girlfriend, shes diabetic type 1, juvenile she had it since she was 11, she's now 23.

I read parts of this site, but my question is: is there any kind of alcohol that she can at least have, like brandy or rum, of course not beer anymore i just read your site.

Is there any alternative or substitute for that, maybe she could drink wine and the like or gin labeled alcohol drinks?


I am sorry for telling your that "alcohol" means all "alcoholic drinks", all those drinks that contain alcohol. No exception. Otherwise, your girlfriend will be in trouble. Many problems will come including hypoglycemia episodes.

Help her stop drinking alcohol for the sake of her health. Try not to drink in front of her to give her strength of quitting alcohol (any drink).

Shift to healthy activities (healthy foods and drinks, exercise : running, swimming,etc) and so on to keep healthy and stay alive for much more years.

Good luck and take good care of yourselves!! Your health and life is worthy! Don't waste it!


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