Low carb Diabetes type 2 diet concern.

I'm recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and am on low carb diet and have good control my blood sugar levels. I've read alot about it and got confused till not knowing what to do. Some people tell me low carb diet is the best for me, but my physician advises just to follow a healthy diet and keep exercised. Any opinion or personal experience welcome.

Low carb diet for diabetes - What's up there?

By. Dr Alba


There are several diabetic diets being advised. However, you and your doctor will decide which is suitable to you.

Usually, low carb diet for diabetes is advised to take good control of diabetes, especially when one has very high blood glucose levels.

But, one diabetic find it difficult to follow this kind of diet for long time (since diabetes is a chronic disease). Even ADA (American Diabetes Association) agree with low carb diet but still do not recommend it.

The best diet for diabetes is to eat of all kind of foods, but in moderate, drink plenty of water and keep exercised.

Good luck!

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