Januvia (Sitagliptin) and Onglyza (Saxagliptin) Diabetes Medications

Januvia (Sitagliptin) and Onglyza (Saxagliptin)

Januvia (Sitagliptin) and Onglyza (Saxagliptin)

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I enjoyed reading of your success,(Click here to read Cinnamon and Diabetes - A Story of Success!)but those two new meds you mentioned--were you also taking these
at the same time as the cinnamon and alpha-lipoic

If so, how do you know which one was causing
the low numbers? Just curious.


As Joseph was telling, he used to take meds (without mentioning which one) before he started taking Cinnamon capsules and Alpha lipoic acid.

There is a common sense (in which I believe): he started also to change his lifestyle and diet, but when he started taking Cinnamon, he noticed his blood sugar to be lower than it used to be before.

Therefore, he only needs lower doses (as for any other drug) of his meds. If his meds has improved his condition, it could happen years ago. He was first diagnosed with diabetes in 2000 and his meds couldn't improve his condition as compared when he started taking Cinnamon.

Hope it helped!

P.S. So far, the same thing happened to my parents. When they started taking some herbs (that could lower blood sugar); they were very very well.

But, then, they fell into the gluttony "work" and didn't not help themselves, started higher dosage of their meds.


looking for 'natural,' not new drugs
Comment by: Sharon

Joseph, I thought the idea here was "natural
cures," not new-drugs-from-big-pharma that cost the earth & likely have unknown side effects.

I'm searching the web for a diabetic relative
loking for natural healing, not new drugs!


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