I am pre-diabetes but under control. How I can decrease the fasting blood glucose level?

by Marie

QUESTION: I am pre-diabetes. I eat proteins and vegetables also I do exercices. 2 hours after lunch, my blood glucose level is 120mg but the problem is the fasting blood glucose is between 110mg and 120mg however I'm drinking bitter melon juice and taking biotin at night.

question: How can I decrease the fasting blood glucose level?

ANSWER: Hi Marie,

First, I want to congratulate for drinking bitter melon and doing exercises. However, I want to tranquilize you that a fasting blood glucose level between 110 and 120mg/dl is not that high to be considered as worrisome.

It is true that you can take several actions in purpose to lower more you morning blood glucose as listed below:

1.Avoid eating meals rich in carbs at dinner. In addition, it would be great for you to have your dinner around 20-21 o’clock, i.e. at least 4 hours before going to bed.

In this way, the organism will have enough time to use all the glucose that you have taken during dinner.

2.Other important thing is to do some light exercise 1-2 hours after dinner. This will help your organism to use the excessive glucose for energy and constructive elements, and not to store it as fat or keep it at high levels at bloodstream.

For your information, when you exercise, your body needs more glucose than usual, which is obtained from the foods you had at dinner, and transformed into energy.

It would be even better if you try to take the bitter melon and the biotin after the training (exercise). This will help you a lot with the glucose metabolism and will make your muscles stronger.

If you like, you can take bitter melon juice early in the morning, on an empty stomach as it is proven that has given more results in lowering high blood glucose.

3.There is an endocrinological aspect I want to explain regarding the glucose metabolism, especially early in the morning. It is related to certain hormones, which can elevate the blood glucose.

Some of these hormones are adrenalin and noradrenalin, also known as stress hormones. The secretion of these hormones is elevated when you are under stress and respectively, these hormones do increase your blood glucose level.

In purpose to avoid a blood sugar elevation in the evening and in the morning, you are supposed to reduce the evening stress.

Now, you are wondering: HOW?

Please pay attention to the fact that sleeping is something very important for our body, because, while you are asleep, your organism is preparing itself for the next busy hours or day.

Furthermore, the lack of sleep is considered as some kind of
stress, which may cause small blood glucose elevation. My advice for you is to have a healthy enough sleep for at least 8 hours, or sometimes, until 10 hours.

You can also have a nice chamomile tea to relax and prepare for a deep and healthy night sleep. Believe me! It really works!

  • Another important point I want to emphasize is related to the morning hormones and insulin resistance. Normally, early in the morning, there are certain hormones that are secreted in order to give us the right energy for the coming day.

    One of their effects is to raise blood glucose as it is the fuel for our body needs. However, due to insulin resistance in body tissues (i.e. muscles), this glucose is not metabolized properly.

    Furthermore, the liver is secreting more glucose than in normal people; which, increases more the morning blood sugar.

    4.Alcohol is another factor, leading to an elevation of the blood sugar, which means that you are supposed not to drink alcohol or to reduce its intake, especially at night.

    5.At the end, I want to say that keeping fasting blood glucose level as normal as possible is not an easy job. Sometimes, many people, pre-diabetics or diabetics fail to succeed. Therefore, medications are needed in such case. However, you must consult your doctor for your most specific option in order to take good control of blood glucose.

    Hope it helped.


    I am pre-diabetes but under control. How I can decrease the fasting blood glucose level?
    by: marie

    QUESTION: I am pre-diabetes. I eat proteins and vegetables also I do exercices. 2 hours after lunch, my blood glucose level is 120mg but the problem is the fasting blood glucose is between 110mg and 120mg however I'm drinking bitter melon juice and taking biotin at night.

    question: How can I decrease the fasting blood glucose level?

    ANSWER: Hi Marie,

    Your fasting blood glucose is not that high for a pre-diabetic as you are. I congratulate for taking bitter melon juice and biotin at night. However, I would suggest to take bitter melon early in the morning, once you wake up, on an empty stomach for better results. This is because I do not want you to have further oscillations of blood glucose during night.

    There are certain other things that you can do to decrease your fasting blood sugar. Have a look at this mini-guideline, hoping it will work for you.


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