What should the blood glucose level be of a 180 lbs. woman?

QUESTION: What should the blood glucose level be of a 180 lbs. woman?

ANSWER: Hi there,

Something very important for the glucose metabolism is that the glucose concentration is not depending on the age, or the weight of the patients.

I will remind you that the normal blood glucose level is 3.5 - 6.1mmol/l or 64.8 – 104.4 mg/dl, depending on the unit of measurement which is used. The first scale is used in Europe and Canada and the second scale is used in the USA.

To define the patient’s blood glucose level as normal it has to be within the mentioned ranges. In some cases, the blood glucose concentration might change, but this is happening, when the secretion of insulin is reduced, the amount of the glucose intake is elevated and when the secretion of insulin is increased.

Pay attention to the fact that blood sugar below 3.5mmol/l or 64.8mg/dl is known as hypoglycemia. This condition may appear when there is an elevated insulin secretion or when you are not eating (reduced glucose intake).

However, when the blood glucose level is higher than 6.1mmol/l or 104.4mg/dl, this condition is known as hyperglycemia. It can be observed when the amount of glucose acquired is increased or when the insulin secretion is reduced (during diabetes).

It is true that the size and the weight is different between the single individuals, but there is proportion between the size of their body and the size of the internal organs.

In other words, a small person is having small pancreas, which is producing enough insulin, just like the large pancreas of the big person.

My advice for you is to visit your doctor immediately when you see that there are changes in your blood glucose concentration.

As these changes are not caused by your weight, they may appear due to changes in the glucose consumption or in the insulin secretion.

Hope it helped!


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Is a blood sugar level of 92 good?

by Vijay

Good Diabetes Levels

Good Diabetes Levels


I am 46 yrs. I every year go for test of blood sugar since last four years. It ranges form 86 to 94. Othe day 10th June, 2011 the results of RBS was fond 92. Is there posibility of diabetes / Is needed to go for fat sugar test?

Pl. guide me. Thanking you.

ANSWER: Hi Vijay,

What I can see from your blood sugar levels checking results, they seem to be perfectly normal.

I hope you will go on with regular check-ups (every year for your age) and hope you won't have any problems with diabetes.

In addition, if you do not have history family of diabetes, are conducting a healthy lifestyle and following a healthy diet; then, I think you are on the right way to be far away from diabetes problems.

With regards to your RBS of 92, that is perfectly normal as it fall within the normal blood glucose readings (until 120, the maximum and 70 the minimum).

Therefore, you do not need to do further check-ups for diabetes unless you have something in your medical records that I am not aware of.

At the end, I would like to suggest to you further regular check-ups for your age like lipid profile and prostate. These check-ups will catch in time any problem you might have although I hope you won't have.

All the best! Keep up the good and healthy life!


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  5. BG 159 before I eat & 107 2 hours after I eat

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Diagnosed borderline diabetic Hba1c 6.4

by Aubrey

QUESTION: I was diagnosed borderline diabetic Hba1c=6.4. retaining this level by diet for over a year now.

I maintain a constant weight.

I think I understand that most diabetics gain weight because of excessive BG and Insulin Iesistance. how can it be that I don't gain weight?

ANSWER: Hi Aubrey,

First, let me congratulate for your good job of retaining your blood sugar levels at normal level through your diet. I hope you will always have that strong willing to go on like this.

Next, your "strict" diet is the cause for you not to gain weight. On one side, this diet will help supply your body needs with the right energy and vitamins and minerals without raising blood sugar levels as it contains foods low in calories.

On the other side, this "low-calorie" diet will not overload your body; therefore, it will not accumulate extra calories as "fat" (weight gain).

This is very good, because overweight or obesity will aggravate your delicate situation.

  • Another last thing I want to emphasize is the importance of many factors contributing in beating diabetes naturally. Fortunately, yours is "borderline diabetes"; meaning that if you be careful, you will not have problems with persistent high blood sugar levels.

    However, diet is not the only one contributing factor. Your lifestyle habits (like exercising, especially aerobic ones), bad habits (like smoking or alcohol), etc., play also a crucial role in controlling diabetes.

    Therefore, as your body is very complex, it needs complex "attentions" too. If you keep these balances, I'm sure, you won't have problems, and will enjoy your healthy life for many years.

    I really hope it by heart. All the best! Good job again!


    Medication makes me feel weak
    by: Rene D

    Hello, I am also type 2 Diabetic and i know it has a lot to do with all the foods i have eaten over the years.

    Working away from home and restaurants we're a big factor.

    I am now at home and exercise regularly, and eat a lot better, i have been put on Metformin, i don't usually take meds and i have noticed that every time i do try the meds i feel a lot weaker afterwards for the remainder of the day,

    Any advice?


    Please accept my commends regarding the healthy changes you have made to your lifestyle and diet. Please follow this link to have the advice needed.

    All the best!

    What the community is asking about:

    1. Can one have normal sugar level in blood but high sugar in urine?

    2. Can take a Medrol dosepak increase blood glucose to a dangerous level?

    3. 107 fasting blood sugar in a 28 yrs old lady with hypothyroidism

    4. Low blood sugar in the morning

    5. BG 159 before I eat & 107 2 hours after I eat

    6. Blood glucose level after eating of 212


    8. What to do if insulin is high and no diabetes

    9. How can be affected normal blood sugar level and the healing process during surgery?

    10. TSH level is 0.10 and in that day my glucose is 112

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