What is the right way to take the apple cider vinegar?



QUESTION: What is the right way to take the apple cider vinegar? How much time before meals and whether to be mixed with something or taken as is?

ANSWER: Hi there,

Apple cider vinegar has shown to be very effective in lowering your blood glucose within the first few days.

However, in purpose to obtain this effect and to avoid the development of side effects, you have to use it in the most appropriate way.

Keep in mind that although using apple cider vinegar is not complex, however, you have to follow the right steps strictly.

  • At first, you have to take the apple cider vinegar few minutes before the meal (2-5 minutes).

    Do not worry if you have forgotten to take it before the meal, because you can take it even during the meal.

    However, in this case, the effect is not going to be that great. So, try to take it before meal.

  • Regarding your question about mixing the apple cider vinegar with something else, take it as it is.

    As the apple cider vinegar tastes not good for some, you can drink some orange juice along with the apple cider vinegar to "soften" its taste. The orange juice will neutralize the bad taste of the apple cider vinegar and it will not interfere with its effect.

  • I just want to remind you that
    the dose is important for the effectiveness of this herb. Therefore, if you are diabetic, take exactly 20 grams 2-5 minutes before having a meal.

    However, if you are a pre-diabetic, the dose has to be less, around 10 grams. Please try to follow this direction rigorously, because the excessive amount of apple cider vinegar along with the drugs for diabetes, can precipitate low blood glucose sugar.

    In addition, I have to remind you some undesirable side effects of apple cider vinegar like low potassium level and osteoporosis, when it is used for long time.

    So, in purpose to prevent the development of those conditions, it would be good for you to take a rest for about one week every month.

    During this week, you can apply other natural alternatives to keep your blood glucose level within the reference ranges, but you have to extremely avoid the usage of apple cider vinegar.

    Once you take a week off, you may start to use apple cider vinegar as before.

    Hope it helped!


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