Cinnamon Capsules to Lower Pre-diabetic Blood Sugar?

by Kas

QUESTION: I have pre diabetes. well controlled by diet and exercise. When levels do go up a bit, I add 150 mg of cinnamon at night with my dinner and the numbers are generally back in the normal range the following morning.

Should I keep up with the cinnamon capsule, or only use it when the numbers go up somewhat?


I have to congratulate you that you are controlling well your blood glucose concentration mainly by diet and exercises. However, as it true the fact that pre-diabetes can precipitate to diabetes, you should use cinnamon capsules all the time.

  • The cinnamon capsules will help you achieve better control of your blood glucose level, preventing spikes (that show that diabetes has been set) to appear.

    Besides this, I think that it would be better for you to start measuring the A1C concentration every month. The reason why I’m telling you this is because sometimes, some spikes of the blood glucose level are not detected.

    These spikes are not something good and if they appear more than usual, you might be a diabetic already. However, the A1C test will show how you were controlling your blood glucose level during the last 120 days.

    At last, I have to tell you that with the good work of yours, along with the usage of cinnamon you will delay the diabetes’ appearance. However I encourage you to do the right things to control diabetes altogether.

    Hope it helped!


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