Shifting from Insulin twice a day to Gymnema Sylvestre and Bitter Melon

by Ec

QUESTION: In 2006 My father passed away, not even 30 days after, I developed Diabetes.

my glucose was so high, almost 800, that I was hospitalized for almost a week.

Once the glucose was down to 150 or so, the doctor wanted for ke to use insuline Twice a day, and told me that I had to use insulin for he rest of my life.

after doing some research, I discover Gymnema Sylvestre, I was so excited, that i mention to my doctor, his response was, that Gymnema was Junk.
Since I don't like to use chenicals, I took it upon myself to start using Gymnema.

After using for three months, my glucose fluctuated fom 86 to 90.

I use Gymnema 2007, 2008 and stoped using it.
In 2009 my glucose was 92, and 2010, 99 ( without Gymnema )

This year 2011, in September 25th I had a heart attack, and my glucose went up to 350.

Once again I started taking Gymnema, an my glucose is fluctuating from 80 to 104.

After that past experience, I am sure that my glucose will eventually settle at 86.

In short try to avoid Insulin, and chemical pills! You have an option.

By the way, now days besides taking Gymnema, I am using Bitter Melon.

If you like to exchange ideas, feel
free to write to



I am glad to hear that you have found a solution to your problem. However, I would say that although drugs and pills have their side effects, they have succeeded to treat many patients with diabetes.

Furthermore, although general advice can be given, actions are taken to ones personal experience, as in your case.

Once more, I applaud your willing to find your own natural solutions by taking Gymnema Sylvestre and Bitter Melon without underestimating doctors advice.

At last, I want to emphasize the role of other natural solutions like exercise, healthy diabetic diet, avoiding alcohol or smoking, etc. If you follow all these steps, for sure you can say that you are totally beating diabetes naturally.

All the best!


Response to Dr. Alba
by: E.C

Thank you for your comments, it seems to me that most
Doctors, are not interested, nor wish to find out, about other
Means of treatment, such as natural plants, and herbs.
Also I agree completely, that a diabetic must not only change his eating habits, but also exercise on a daily basis.

Thank you again

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