Regarding prediabetics natural supplements

QUESTION: Dear Dr. Alba,

I keep getting your newsletters.thanks.

I got my blood test done .my BG was 6.2 ....ii am very careful with my diet ,as my husband is on BG . Meds. ...I am on Bp and cholesterol medications .....I really don't wish to be on this too.

Please could you suggest any herbal or natural supplements in place of Metformin.

Thank you for your time.


ANSWER: Hi dear Elaine,

Thank you for following us.

First of all, please bare in mind that diet alone cannot work much without physical activity.

If you have been diagnosed as type 2 diabetic, then, physical activity is the crucial "key" to optimize your blood sugar level.

Furthermore, physical activity will help improve your lipid profile together with Blood pressure.

But, at your case, you are saying to be on BP meds. So, at this point, exercise will precipitate high BP. And we do not want this for you.

So, I suggest walking, jogging and stretching exercises (mild to moderate) would be best for you.

With regards to supplements to replace Metformin (apart diet and lifestyle changes, and exercise); actually, there are many herbs that can help.

You can choose any of supplements you may found at your local pharmacy containing: Gymnema sylvestre, cinnamon, phenugreek, banaba, and more vitamins and minerals.

If you are asking the brand, there is no favorite of me as long as it contains the above-mentioned components.

Anyway, you can search all the available supplements, and send me their components and I can guide you to choose the right one.

You need a guide as you might experience oscillations in blood sugar, thus, need also regulate the dose of Metformin until you will not need anymore.

Hope it helped!

Looking forward to assist you further!


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Jul 13, 2014
High levels of sugar in blood
by: Anonymous

Dear Doctor Alba, I really like the way you explain issues, I am a male of 41, my last diabetic check indicates that my blood sugar levels are somewhere around 18, can this count reduce without medication. Please help

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