Reduce Blood Sugar by using Apple Cider Vinegar

by Tammy Gilden
(Toronto Ontario Canada)

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar


It seems that I had developed type 2 diabetes in 2007. I began to take it seriously around 2011 at the point my blood sugar was around 10-12.

I have been on metformin and made significant dietary changes little or no white flour, much much less sugar.

The doctor is relatively happy with my last results a few months ago. However I cannot get my blood sugar down to the recommended level today which is between 4-5 rather than 6-7 which is where I normally seem to be.

She has been asking me to go on insulin but I am more than hesitant. This is a disease of choice so I don't choose to continue to be sick I just haven't figured out how to get entirely better with out adding on insulin.

I feel that the biggest issue is the waking blood sugar which is between 8-10 rather than 5-7.

I definitely have a fatty liver and have had multiple kidney infections in the past. So am quite concerned about these organs and their health.

I am very interested in the cider vinegar and have a few questions

- I would appreciate the recommended dose to be in teaspoons or tablespoons rather than grams please.

- If one is only taking the cider vinegar at bedtime would one need a vinegar free week?

- Would apple juice or grape juice work like the orange juice and be neutralized by the vinegar?

- How would you make this drink: mainly juice and then the vinegar? mainly water then juice and then vinegar?

I have been in touch with a Tibetan doctor and have been using Tibetan
herbs for many years so have been able to remain healthy despite my diabetic condition. I have so far no diabetic markers on/in my body thank G-d.

- I would also like to ask about rambutan: how many does one need to eat to make blood sugar changes and how often does one need to eat them?

Thank you Dr. Alba and grateful to G-d the tI found your site.


ANSWER: Hi Tammy,

Thank you for following us and sharing your concerns with us.

Please find the following answers to your queries:

-Apple cider vinegar can be taken 20 grams before meal . In other words, can be taken 2 tablespoons before meal or bedtime.

- Can you please elaborate more on the second question: (- If one is only taking the cider vinegar at bedtime would one need a vinegar free week?)

- The apple/grape juice can be used mixed with apple cider vinegar. They will help neutralize the smell and acidity of the vinegar.

- When you feel heartburn, can mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with 1 ounce (1/8 cups) of grape/apple juice.

Then, if you want to make the juice, can mix a cup of grape/apple juice with 3 tablespoons of vinegar.

You can also prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons of vinegar with 1 cup of warm water and 1 teaspoon of honey. If you do not like/want honey, can prepare the vinegar/water juice.

- With regards to using rambutan to reduce blood sugar levels, you can follow this link to learn the most efficient ways to use rambutan for this purpose.

Thank you again!
p.s. You can write me back anytime you'll have other questions.

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