High Glucose,Colon Polyps,Gastric Ulcer

by Mary


I am 52 female and have had a blood sugar in the 2oos highest being 293 for the last 4 days.

I am in the hospital and have had a colonoscopy, 2 endoscopy's and found that I have ulcers in upper part of stomach, gall stones, and had polyps removed from my colon.

Since the others have been rectified do you feel that it would be ok for me to go home or should I stay in the hospital til my blood sugar is lower?

Oh and I have high blood pressure.

Thank you


REPLY: Hi Mary,

I have gone through your concern carefully and I am sorry to hear you are in a such bad health condition.

However, I am happy that you have been correctly diagnosed and treated adequately.

Now, you are asking whether to stay in hospital of not. To give an exact answer that you mostly need, I would like to have more medical data of yours.

It is good that your other medical concerns (ulcer and polyps) are already corrected.

You are saying that your blood glucose is up to 293 as the highest level. To my opinion, this could not be a reason to keep staying in the hospital.

However, if your caring doctors have judged that you should stay in the hospital for some more days, please follow their advice as I do lack much of medical data unless you can attach them to me.

I would also suggest to

- implement some changes in your lifestyle and diet regimen;

- drink plenty of water

- avoid alcohol and smoking

- follow the right medical treatment rigorously

- do regular check-ups as directed

If you still have medical concerns, please write back to me.


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Nov 03, 2013
high glucos
by: Dixon mnyika

hi, my hbswas153 on June and was treated and came down to 6.5 its always up and down I have practicing ways of controlling it , please advise me all I can do to make my hbs stand in one place.heiht 1.85,age 42.and 82 kg

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