by Faisal
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by Prasanna
QUESTION: When I check my FBS and PPBS, the readings always shows 129 and 190 only, but HBA1c is showing 10.7.
How is it possible? Is there in wrong in Hba1c?
ANSWER: Hi Prasanna,
The truth is that the glucose is not the only thing, which affects the exact A1C value in the human body.
Please keep in mind that the glycated hemoglobin is formed by the hemoglobin in the red blood cells and by the glucose found in the blood.
So, as you probably can imagine, the exact value of the glycated hemoglobin depends on the blood glucose level from one side and from the red blood cells count, their lifetime and the amount of hemoglobin in the body on the other side.
Because of this, when there is low red cell count or low hemoglobin concentration, the exact amount of A1C in your body will be higher.
Because of this, I should ask you to perform the CBC panel test, which can show you these parameters, in purpose to see if they are normal.
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