Is joint pain a side effect of Januvia?

QUESTION: I have been on 100 mg 1 daily (januvia) for 2 yrs and I have had increasingly painful joints (knees, hips, elbows, thumbs).

Dr has sent me to ortho and arthritis specialists, who put me on anti-inflamitories (dangerous to liver). Without much relief.

I can hardly walk anymore I am in so much pain! I have read reports of januvia causing joint pain and I am looking for natural alternatives for treating my type 2 diabetes.

ANSWER: Hi there,

At first, I want to discuss with you the gravity of the joint pain. As far as I can see, the pain in the joints comes from the large joints (knees and hips) and goes to the small joints - thumbs.

I want to remind you that it may not be a result of Januvia’s treatment, because such symptoms are observed in patients with rheumatisms, SLE and other rheumatic diseases.

So, I want you to consult with a rheumatologist, who will do some tests to define the exact cause of this pain. Remember, I’m not saying that you have some of the diseases, mentioned above; I just want you to exclude them as an option.

  • Regarding the joint pain caused by Januvia, you are right. Some patients, who are using this drug for more than 1 year, are experiencing this unpleasant Januvia side effect.

    The curious fact in your is that after treatment with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, the pains is gone.

    However, every organism is different and may be the dose or the type of the drug is not working on you. So, talk with your doctor about adjustments in the anti-inflammatory treatment.

  • Besides this, I just want to know what your arthritis specialists told you and which drug you are taking.

  • With regards to the natural treatment of diabetes, you have to know several very
    important things.

    At first, every natural treatment of diabetes has to begin with a change in the diabetes diet. In other words, you have to start eating products, which contain very small amount of carbs and small amount of cholesterol.

    The best choice for you at this point is to start following the popular 1200 calorie diet. It would best for you to avoid eating certain foods like pork, beef, chocolate and other sweet stuff, which can damage your blood glucose level.

    The second natural step is the exercises. You have to start running for about 30 minutes every sing day.

    However, I think that this is going to be a problem for you, because of the joint pain. So, I want you to start with some mild physical activity, like lifting weights or making push ups.

    Keep in mind that the physical activity is a powerful remedy, which might bring your blood glucose level back to normal.

    You have to know that you can do exercises, no matter if you are taking glucose lowering drugs or not.

    The last part of the natural diabetic treatment is the herb usage. You have to know that some herbs like, gymenama sylvestre, bitter melon, prickly pear cactus, fenugreek and many more are proved to work.

    So, don’t hesitate to start using only one of them, in purpose to control your glucose level.

    Following these three steps and you will have very good and adequate blood glucose control. However, I want you to remember something:

    Certain patients need to take their blood glucose lowering medications, despite of the natural treatment, because their diabetes is in the advanced stages.

    So, talk with your doctor about this, because he is the only one who knows your exact current condition. Besides this, try not to forget to find out what is causing the joint pain.

    Hope it helped!


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