im not sure if im diabetes.

by Awadh Aljabry
(Abu Dhabi)

Good day,

Here i go.. i recently found out that my blood sugar is high that can reach to +300 after eating .

I've check with a doctor and he jumped to conclusion that im diabetes. and he gave me MSD (janumet 50mg / 500 mg).

I took in total 3 pills ( 2 days) & stopped taking the pills will this make a problem ?and cut all the sugary food and fats and went green doing everyday walk 40 min in the morning and 40 min in night after dinner.

P.S the pills i took (2 pills on 21 aug and 1 pill on 2 )

my reading are:

on 23.08 before breakfast 134 / after breakfast 242
on 24.08 before breakfast 124 / after breakfast 228

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Jan 21, 2017

by: Dr.Albana

Hello Awadh,

I read your message and understood your medical issue.

Your reading shows that you are diabetic despite the fact that you have made all the lifestyle changes you mentioned (becoming vegetarian and putting a walking schedule).

It is good to know that you have done these changes because these will make it easier for you to manage diabetes.

If by these changes, the fasting glucose levels do not go under 100 mg/dl and after breakfast, they do not go less than 140 mg/dl, you need to use the medication in order to control your blood glucose levels and prevent the diabetes complications.

You are a diabetic person who needs medication. If you don't like pills you can take it once daily after you discuss this option with your doctor.

I'd recommend to start Diabetes supplements first (as a tea or pill).

If after 3 months of taking this supplement on regular basis, your blood sugar levels won't get down, then, I'd ask to add Metformin to your treatment schedule until totally improved. Then, can continue with Diabetes Supplements and lifestyle changes.

Diabetes needs to be regularly controlled as it is a condition that predisposes for other health conditions which are more serious such as heart problems, neuropathy, higher risk for infections and many more.

I hope this was helpful for you.

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