How to Control Diabetes Without Medication apart Diet Changes?


Control Diabetes without Medications

Control Diabetes without Medications

CONCERN: My sister is just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and controlling diabetes without medication so far with diet, she is trying to walk everyday.

However, her blood sugar is not reduced, and she doesn't know what else to do.

I have tried to gather so many info to pass to her. Now I am wondering what else she can do to control diabetes without medication apart diet changes?

Another thing: she is very sensitive person, and is able to worry for even a small matter although she tries hard not to.

Thank you.

SUGGESTIONS: It is good that your sister wants to lower her blood sugar levels without taking any medications.

My mom has type 2 diabetes, and she started straight away the metformin therapy because couldn't manage only with diet. Now she is having problems with her liver.

Recently, she is being more active, trying to limit sugary foods and eating more healthy.

Her blood sugar is being optimized. As your sister, even my mother is a very anxious person.

Since my late father passed away last year, she is being more anxious. She takes some tranquillizers, have some chamomile tea; however, she is still anxious.

To my opinion, this is the severest "factor" contributing to worsening of diabetes: STRESS.

To me, stress is a silent killer, that worsens your quality of life. That is why, diabetics have persistent high blood sugar levels.

The war against stress urges strong willing and fighting spirit that not all the people have.

Help your sister with good lifestyle
lifestyle changes to normalize her blood glucose levels; and be close to her to give the strength she needs.

Comment: Lowering Blood Sugar Level, Type 2 Diabetes
by: Henry

Dieting alone is insufficient if one wants to get effective results to lower one's blood sugar level.

I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes last May. My blood sugar level was 9.9 mmol/l. My doctor only gave me medication and suggested that I surfed the internet for information on how to deal with Type 2 Diabetes.

From the internet, I gleaned useful information on the various food types good for diabetics, including advice to exercise regularly.

I started brisk walking at the frequency of 3 times/week, each time covering 3.8 Km. As my body became accustomed to exercise ( I was so darn lazy, that for the last 50 years,

I did not do any form of exercise and indulged in copious amounts of good food), I gradually increased my walking distance and I now walk 5 times per week, covering 7.5 Km. in 80 minutes.

My weight went down from 72Kg(in May 2009)to my present 66Kg. and my blood sugar count now ranges between 5.6 to 5.8 mmol/l.

My daily diet comprise one bun and Chinese tea before commencing my morning exercise, one bowl of noodles after exercise,4 slices of whole meal bread with peanut butter and jam for diabetics for lunch.

And for dinner, one bowl (I'm Chinese)of unpolished rice small portions of meat and sea food and generous helpings of vegetables or salads, completing with fresh fruit such as apples or oranges.

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by: Paul

I have read this post and I am very much satisfied on your description in which you have explained the effective way to control diabetes without medication. That’s a great thing. Thank you very much! Keep sharing such posts!

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