Feeling not secure & angry diabetic!

by Okilkhan

QUESTION: Glynease mfand vitamin cobadex czs vitamin tablets i am taking all this tablet from 2year, but i am not geting any kind of benfits from tablets.

I am suffering from diabetes from past 2year in that i am not felling secure or i am not felling well also.and felling so angry also

So please suggest me something?

ANSWER: Hi Okilkhan,

  • First of all, I have to remind you that the diabetic treatment is something complex and a lot of factors have to be taken in considerations.

  • The second thing is that you haven’t provided any results of your blood glucose test or the HbA1c test.

  • You have to know that the results of those tests are showing the accuracy of the treatment and if something is not as it has to be when adjustments are made.

    In addition, I have to inform you that the treatment of the diabetes is not executed only by vitamins.

  • It is true that Cobadex CZS is very effective supplement for the treatment of diabetes, but you have to use it with drugs, which are lowering your blood glucose level. So, please speak with your doctor about such treatment.

  • Regarding the supplement/drug glynease mfand vitamin, I’m not aware of such thing, so please write down the name of the drug correctly, so I can tell you something about it.

  • Other thing, which is important for the diabetic treatment is the diet. You haven’t mentioned anything about such thing, but I’m asking you to start following one. The diet limits the intake of glucose and this improves the glucose metabolism in your body.

    Besides all these things mentioned above, you have to start doing exercises. With the exercises, you are using the excessive amount of glucose in your body, which generally leads to lower blood glucose concentration and proper control of the blood glucose level.

    I know that it is hard to combine all these things, but you have to know that this combination will make you feel better and you won’t experience some of the diabetic complications in the future.

    Hope it helped!


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