fasting glucose level is higher than pp

by Revi
(Chennai, india)

Fasting level 102 and pp 92. What does it mean. Am I diabetic ?

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Mar 18, 2017

by: Dr.Albana

Hello Revi!

I understand your concern.

Generally blood sugar levels after eating are higher than before eating. If this is a laboratory result, it will be more believable than a self measuring glucometer.

A fasting blood sugar level of 102 mg/ dl is within the normal range. The fasting glucose test depends on the quantity of what you have eaten the day before, may be you have consumed a high caloric dinner.

Basing on these two measurements you are far a way from a diabetic patient.
Anyway it could be better if you can make me notice if you have any diabetic in your family.

To have a definitive answer I advise you to do another blood analysis, HbA1C that is the best indicative of your blood sugar level for the last three months.

Hope I answer you questions!
If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to write me back.

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