epibulbar dermoid gestational diabetes hemivertebrae cardiac


How can epibulbar dermoid, hemivertebrae cardiac problems related to gestational diabetes?

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Jan 21, 2017

by: Dr.Albana

Hi there,

First, I want to explain you what epibulbar dermoid and hemivertebrae cardiac are.

Epibulbar dermoid is benign formation in the eye, generally composed of fat tissue, hairs and other dermal structures found in the eye of the patient.

You have to know that the only problem of this condition is the eye irritation.

In addition, it can be surgically removed, which mean that after the operation the patient will even forget about having one.

Hemivertrebrae cardiac is quite unpleasant condition and it really threatens the life your baby.

During this condition, the vertebras of the patients are not whole, which mean that a part of them is missing. This leads to inappropriate structure of the whole body along with malformations in the other organs.

I want you to know that generally Hemivertebrae is associated with cardiac, pulmonary and limb malformations.

When we are talking about hemivertebrae cardiac, the malformations are related to the vertebrae and to the heart.

The clinical approach in such patients is unique and the first weeks after the labor are critical for the baby.

I want you to know that these malformations of the baby’s body are observed, when the diabetes of the mother (gestational, type 1 or type 2) is not controlled well, especially during the 11th and the 15th week of the pregnancy.

You have to know that under not well controlled diabetes I mean elevated blood glucose concentration during the day, during the week and during the month.

So, in purpose to avoid these unpleasant diseases, you have to follow strictly the directions, which you healthcare provider gave you.

Besides this, watch closely your blood glucose concentration and try to keep it in the reference ranges- 3.5-6.1mmol/l or 64.8-104.4mg/dl depending on the unit of measurement.

Hope it helped!

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