Confused by GTT and Insulin Resistance results

by Yolanda
(Klerksdorp, North West, South Africa)

I recently had the GTT and Insulin resistance tests done and my blood sugar before Glucose administration was 5.2 and 2 hours after the Glucose was given it was 9.2. My insulin resistance is 20.2

Please advise.

Thank you

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Jan 21, 2017

by: Dr.Albana

Hello Yolanda,

I read your message and understood your problem.

The results you sent me are:

-OGTT test blood sugar before glucose administration=5.2 after administration=9.2

-insulin resistance=20.2

Before the glucose administration, the blood glucose levels were found 5.2 which is considered normal (<7.8mmol/L).

After the glucose administration, they were 9.2 which indicates an impaired glucose tolerance or pre-diabetes (the range 7.8-11.1 mmol/L stands for pre-diabetes). The insulin resistance is also normal.

I may say that your numbers are quite normal. The fact that your glucose levels after administrating glucose were a little high maybe is because you have been fasting for too long before drinking the glucose.

This has caused a rapid rise of glucose in blood in order to maintain the proper levels for organ functioning.

It is sure that you don't have diabetes. The normal insulin resistance(tolerance) test means that there are no problems in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. So there are no other diseases related to other glands.

My advice is that you must do another test which is HbA1c test to complete all the chart of numbers.

Hope this is helpful.

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