Am diabetic patient with fasting sugar 145 and after food 107? Yes or no ?

by Vikas


I am 49 years of age. My fasting blood sugar level is 145 and after lunch 2 hour, glucose level is 107.

Am I diabetic?

ANSWER: Hello,

I have gone through your medical history carefully and understood your concern.

Now, it is not simple to admit one person is a diabetic. We should make sure first.

For this, I recommend to:
- measure your blood sugar levels every morning fasting without eating or drinking anything for 1 consecutive week, record the results and send to me.
- do measure your HbA1C level at your local lab to see what's the mean of your blood sugar the last 3 months. Then, send the reports to me for evaluation.

Meanwhile, should avoid heavy meals for dinner. Try to do more physical activity if you can.
Increase plain water intake.

Hope this helps for this time. Looking forward to have the requested data.


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